The developer has not uploaded a game yet...


our game completely broke upon exporting despite working in the editor and we couldn't fix it in time, so here's a video of what could've been.


  • Just mouse. Click and drag and mash and stir to your heart's content.


Our second game jam ever — made for Pirate Software Game Jam 2024.

"Potion Seller is a game where you brew and sell magical potions to a variety of customers. As you experiment with ingredients and serve an eclectic clientele, you'll grow your shop's reputation. However, your success attracts the attention of a mysterious organization. Balance crafting powerful potions with staying under the radar as you become a master alchemist in a world of magic and intrigue."

— is what this game was supposed to be, at least. Turns out, gamedev is hard as shit and we dreamed a littlebig. But this is what we were able to come up with in 2 weeks. hope u like it :)


Luki (dev): Twitch, Twitter

Garbo2D (art): Twitter [18+]


Potion Seller - GDD


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These things happen; no worries! Looks like you learned a lot in this game jam. The game looks cool; I look forward to playing it when you are able to upload.

I'm looking forward to playing your game when you upload it. It looks great. I'm sorry you ran into trouble exporting.